The king of pop is alive! …

… is a theory that has been floating through the web for some months. The disciples of this conspiracy theory shows video footage saying Michael Jackson was moving while he was supposed to be already dead. They say he was taken away from his house in a car with darkened windows. And that his coffin was actually empty.

Do YOU believe it?

At least, this would be quite a good marketing trick to stage his death considering the staggering amount of CDs he has sold after it and how many people suddenly became Michael Jackson fans …

But well – maybe it’s just too good to be true …


An upside of the economic crisis …

… has just emerged according to the Time Magazine: so-called „putpockets“ are trawling London’s tourist sites slipping money back into unsuspecting pockets.

As, in these dire economic times 20 former pickpockets are taking pity on people that are suffering financially.

So, instead of clinging on to my bag in fear of someone stealing my money, I will keep it wide open from now on–in case I cross paths with an unsuspected angel …


„Mini Murray“ …

… is conquering Britain’s tennis courts, as the Daily Mirror titles.  At the age of only 2 years, Jonah Ziff is beating 6-year-olds.  His father (of 7) is „gobsmacked“ by its youngest toddler’s performance.  And tennis coaches already hope to have found a future English Wimbledon champion.

Can you believe it?  Watch the UK’s newest tennis star–who plays in nappies and while sucking a dummy


„I will write a song about you!“ …

… Canadian singer Dave Carroll said, when United Airlines‚ employees refused to pay for his guitar.  It had been broken at Chicago airport, when baggage handlers tossed about his instrument and no-one from the airline could be bothered to intervene.

I imagine the smiles Carroll has reaped when telling the company how he would respond to the refusal.  By now, though, they certainly have stopped smiling considering the fact that his song „Unites Breaks Guitar“ has been viewed over four million times on YouTube …

United Airlines has offered a compensation for the 1200 dollar guitar.  Something which the singer declined and suggested it’ll go to charity.

Carroll takes a positive stock of the story — as he tells the newspaper The Guardian:

„They’ve given me a creative outlet that has brought people together from around the world“ he writes.  „Thanks United!  If my guitar had to be smashed due to extreme negligence, I’m glad it was you that did it.“

And he has promised to write two more songs about the episode.

Isn’t that great??  All we have to do now when fighting for money against a big company is — sing.


Swine flu …

… is spreading quite quickly in the UK.  In fact, almost 30 people have died after contracting the disease.  Therefore, the NHS has updated its  Choices website with advice on how to react in case you get sick–for example, don’t go to a hospital or your GP, as you might contaminate others.

One of these tips especially caught my attention, as I found the question slightly strange …

Should I have a ’swine flu party‘ or try and catch swine flu now, so I will be immune to more serious strains that may emerge later?

(a swine flu party?? How mad are these British ??!!)

No – it is irresponsible to purposefully catch the virus as you may perpetuate the spread. (Oh, really …) Also, as we don’t yet know the profile of the virus, it is too soon to assume it is only a mild infection. And catching swine flu will not necessarily protect you from strains that may emerge later (see Is it possible to catch swine flu twice?).

That’s quite a pity though.  As, I do feel quite sick today and am wondering if I haven’t contracted the dodgy disease.  So now, I am supposed to suffer all by myself–without seeing a doctor or having a swine flu party, sniff.
